Deine Suche nach "Infrastructure" hat folgende Treffer ergeben:

Digital Infrastructure
Digital Infrastructure
We create your digital infrastructure or build you from scratch Technologie & Entwicklung
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CTO / Co-Founder with passion for sport & data
CTO / Co-Founder with passion for sport & data
Empowering sport careers. Our goal is to provide athletes with the right tools & information to make the best decision for their career. Transparent and fair! Mitgründer:in
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Paul Sheridan
Paul Sheridan
Life is nothing without the people I care about. Mitgründer:in
Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski
Maciej "MJ" Jedrzejewski
1. Build products based on your current needs and context, not wishful thinking.2. No fluff, no BS, no unnecessary work. Straight to the point. Mitgründer:in Mitarbeiter:in
Dmitrii Mudraninets
Dmitrii Mudraninets
Technical Leadership | Systems Engineering | Cloud Computing & Virtual Infrastructure | WEB3 | Architecture Design Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Build Great Things
John-Paul Bader
John-Paul Bader
Make the world a better place, or at the very least, don't make it worse Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Giulio Sistilli
Giulio Sistilli
Professional with more than 10 years of experience in engineering and project management. Bachelor in engineering and MBA. Mitgründer:in Mentor:in
Searching co-founders for IT-Security company
If you need to reach goal quickly, run alone. If you have to run for a long time, run together.
Oleksii Antypov
Oleksii Antypov
It's never too late Mitgründer:in
Johan Louwers
Johan Louwers
Trust me I am secretly a nerd and an engineer Mitgründer:in
Chris Schopf
Chris Schopf
Make it so! Mitgründer:in Mitarbeiter:in
There is no "cannot be done" in engineering. Mitgründer:in Mitarbeiter:in
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