Deine Suche nach "Business Building" hat folgende Treffer ergeben:

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Marcel Seehaus
Marcel Seehaus
Creating something beautiful - Anytime, Anywhere Mitgründer:in
Einfach machen!
Sascha Picchiantano
Sascha Picchiantano
Machen! Mitgründer:in
Melek Kessentini
Melek Kessentini
Director of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Tanvi Jodhani
Tanvi Jodhani
Embrace the journey, celebrate the hustle!
Leadership I Sales I Marketing I Accelerator I Growth I Red Ocean I Strategy I Digitalization I Retail Expert I B2B Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Think problem first! Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Filip Terzan
Filip Terzan
My vacation is turning Ideas into Innovation.
Ann-Kristiin Reimann
Ann-Kristiin Reimann
Bold ideas. No excuses.
You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future Mitgründer:in
Sander Chao
Sander Chao
Get started and figure it out Mitarbeiter:in
Julia Kretzner
Julia Kretzner
“Entrepreneurs have a mind-set that sees the possibilities rather than the problems created by change.” — J Gregory Dees Mitarbeiter:in
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