Deine Suche nach "Problem-solving" hat folgende Treffer ergeben:

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Stay hungry, stay foolish Mitgründer:in
Mordecai Amoussou
Mordecai Amoussou
Don't think. Just do.
Paul Anca
Paul Anca
Founder of Alpha. Tackling problems in the social sector through design and technology. Backpacker & life-long learner. Mitgründer:in
Christian Leschke
Christian Leschke
Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
If you only do things that you know in advance how they will work, your company will go under.​
Dan Platon
Dan Platon
Empowering startups with innovative full-stack web development solutions. Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
André Kühn
André Kühn
Analyzing Challenges, Crafting Solutions: That's My Analytic Drive! Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Orchestrating Harmony in the Symphony of Success. Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Mohammad Sadegh Attarzadeh Niasari
Mohammad Sadegh Attarzadeh Niasari
Blending innovation with practical solutions. Proven track record in leading teams to success. Mitarbeiter:in Mitgründer:in
Pending Mitgründer:in
Dov Selby
Dov Selby
I am a business-minded professional with a desire to create new unique products revolving around the food and events. My vision is to constantly develop and not sit still and be deliver not only the best quality culinary experiences, but continue to change and grow with the every changing food scene in Germany, and further afield.
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