Offene Stellen

You Should Have:

- A common sense for how a startup business operates
- "Value over Skill" - attitude
--> As a founding member you should be able to connect with other founders and future employees
- Ability to lead and teach people. Be a role figure for everyone else.
- Connect with the companies values, respect and live them through and through
- Strong German and English language skills
- A healthy appetite for going the extra mile to get it done


- A strong coding ability in TypeScript on both Frontend & Backend
- A strong mindset in solving holistic problems by adapting the architecture to fill the needs
- Outstanding experience with common TypeScript or JavaScript libraries and frameworks
- Outstanding experience using React/NextJS
- Experience with GraphQL APIs and product development
- Experience designing database schemas
- Experience using design programs (e.g. Figma)
- DevOps work shouldn't be new for you.
- A passion for writing clean and testable code.


- TypeScript
- NextJS
- Tailwind CSS
- Node + Express + GraphQL Yoga
- GraphQL API
- Postgres
- Redis