Futury GmbH
Wir möchten junge Talente und erfahrene Unternehmen miteinander vernetzen, damit diese gemeinsam innovieren und Lösungen entwickeln können, die unser Leben nachhaltig verbessern.
Unser Angebot
Futury unterstützt junge Talente durch verschiedene Programme dabei, eine innovative Idee zu entwickeln und in ein vielversprechendes Start-Up zu verwandeln.
Wir suchen nach gründungswilligen Talenten mit allen Hintergründen. Mindestens Bachelorsemester 5+.
Wir bieten alle 4 Monate ein neues Innovationsprojekt zu einem bestimmten Nachhaltigkeitsthema an und suchen für jedes Projekt 20 Talente die in 5 unabhängigen Teams in das Programm starten.
Unsere Story
In 2015, we were founded by the Werte-Stiftung, an independent foundation that strives for equal opportunities and social cohesion. With our shared mission of bringing values (back) into business, we train a new generation of value-conscious entrepreneurs who have their fingers at the pulse of innovation and their hearts in the right place.
With our programs, we focus on both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to transfer sustainability challenges into innovation opportunities. Each program starts with an innovation question of our corporate partners in relation to sustainability and innovation, which we transform into a project and advertise at universities and in the startup scene.
For our projects, we are looking for young talents who challenge the status quo with their own ideas and actively shape the future with their concepts. During these programs, our talents go through a structured curriculum and working phases that take them from a first concept to a final business case. Besides professional and methodological workshops, the teams attend workshops with the Werte-Stiftung to ensure their value-related growth as prerequisite for shaping innovations sustainably.
Over the years, we carried out 25+ projects with 60+ corporate partners and 300+ talents to solve pressing issues of our time. In 2019, we launched the program series THE MISSION that solely focuses on sustainability. Together with motivated young talents and experienced corporate partners, we want to create innovative business models that make the world more sustainable. EUPHORIA is our next coup to innovate politics. Together with political institutions, we will give young changemakers the opportunity to develop innovative solutions. With our ACTION TANK, we support companies in their transition to more sustainable business models by providing profound knowledge and concrete advise.
Besides our established programs, we are constantly looking for new dares to put relevant ideas into practice – stay tuned!
With our programs, we focus on both entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to transfer sustainability challenges into innovation opportunities. Each program starts with an innovation question of our corporate partners in relation to sustainability and innovation, which we transform into a project and advertise at universities and in the startup scene.
For our projects, we are looking for young talents who challenge the status quo with their own ideas and actively shape the future with their concepts. During these programs, our talents go through a structured curriculum and working phases that take them from a first concept to a final business case. Besides professional and methodological workshops, the teams attend workshops with the Werte-Stiftung to ensure their value-related growth as prerequisite for shaping innovations sustainably.
Over the years, we carried out 25+ projects with 60+ corporate partners and 300+ talents to solve pressing issues of our time. In 2019, we launched the program series THE MISSION that solely focuses on sustainability. Together with motivated young talents and experienced corporate partners, we want to create innovative business models that make the world more sustainable. EUPHORIA is our next coup to innovate politics. Together with political institutions, we will give young changemakers the opportunity to develop innovative solutions. With our ACTION TANK, we support companies in their transition to more sustainable business models by providing profound knowledge and concrete advise.
Besides our established programs, we are constantly looking for new dares to put relevant ideas into practice – stay tuned!