Das bringst du mit

We look for a motivated technical leader to join our team. Take the CTO role and help us build the booking.com for car repair shops. Here's the deal:

You choose the technology and language
You can expect a salary after 6 months
You will become founder of the company holding 10% to 20% of shares
Join us on site or remote. We are located in Zürich.
German speakers have a slight advantage.
Business model is known and needs validation
We'll participate in a 3 months structured acceleration program starting January

Please contact us for more information - mail me, call me, join us!

+41 78 851 1949
[email protected]

Das bieten wir

- Shares (10-20%)
- Salary as we are foundet (april 16)
- 3Mt. Accelerator Programm


Zürich Region
KA Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum
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