Das bringst du mit

Ideal candidate:

- be a responsible and trustworthy person with high sense of ownership
- have an entrepreneur spirit and passion for turning an MVP into a Start-Up

- be experienced software developer with technical skills listed on the next page
- be able to challenge ideas and not be afraid to fail
- be comfortable working with different technologies and platforms
- be able to find and guide technical teams in the future
- have open, easy going and flexible personality
- ideally be based in Berlin or Europe, but it is not a must

- have interest in Music industry in general
- have interest/know how in Blockchain technologies, DeFi, NFT, Web3, Metaverse...
Du bist gut mit...
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Design und visueller Gestaltung
  • Dinge vorantreiben und erledigen
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
  • als Vollzeitbeschäftigter gearbeitet

Das erwartet Dich

We empower musicians with complete ownership of their art, enabling them to control their financial gains and forge genuine connections with fans and venue owners.

Technical skills required:
- Quarkus (Java)
- React & TypeScript
- NodeJS
- Docker Environment
- Cloud Environment (Azure, AWS, ...)
- Media Servers (e.g. Kurento)
- Fluent in English, and other language is a plus
- Familiarity with App development is a big plus (Android, iOS)
- Familiarity with Blockchain, DeFi, NFT, Web3, Metaverse is a big plus (for possible decentralization & payments).
- Familiarity with AI / ML is a big plus (for automation on the platform)

Das bieten wir

By working together, we will become pioneers in the enormous music market (49 billion by 2028), with possible and probable use of ML/AI, as well as, the Web3 and Blockchain technologies. At the beginning, the focus will be more on the centralized environment and automation of processes, but we can aim to incorporate decentralized solutions to our environment as well. By using the best of both worlds, we will create a hybrid solution that will benefit our users greatly.

The position is not a paid one, however, by working together we can benefit from existing Start-Up Incubators and City/Government Startup Funds, that can provide us with finances (up to 12 months), office space, connections (investors) and mentorship.
When the Start-Up takes off and it disrupts the market, there will be a huge opportunity to benefit from it and profit together with our end users. I don't mean only financially, because, we will also benefit from sense of accomplishment, helping and providing opportunities. Together, we will make sure of it.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Empower musicians with complete ownership of their art, enabling them to control their financial gains and forge genuine connections with fans and venue owners.

My biggest focus now is to find a tech co-founder (ideally full-stack and based in Berlin) that can help me build my vision, especially when it comes to coding. All other things related to product and user/market research I can do.
I need a person that can be my sparring partner, brainstorm with me, to challenge and motivate each other, a fanatic like me (meaning: being all in, making it happen, not being afraid to fail, take risk against all odds, never use "can't" word).
As a next step, we can decide together, who else we should bring on board as we grow bigger.
By working together, we will become pioneers in the enormous music market (49 billion by 2028), with possible and probable use of ML/AI, as well as, the Web3 and Blockchain technologies. At the beginning, the focus will be more on the centralized environment and automation of processes, but we can aim to incorporate decentralized solutions to our environment as well. By using the best of both worlds, we will create a hybrid solution that will benefit our users greatly.

The position is not a paid one, however, by working together we can benefit from existing Start-Up Incubators and City/Government Startup Funds, that can provide us with finances (up to 12 months), office space, connections (investors) and mentorship.
When the Start-Up takes off and it disrupts the market, there will be a huge opportunity to benefit from it and profit together with our end users. I don't mean only financially, because, we will also benefit from sense of accomplishment, helping and providing opportunities. Together, we will make sure of it.
More detailed info:

Finding Tech Co-Founder

Aspiring musicians, Singer-Song writers, Buskers...


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