Das bringst du mit

Experience in Python, data science and ML/AI models to predict price movements.
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Dinge vorantreiben und erledigen
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken

Das erwartet Dich

- Experiment with linear models and nural nets in order to predict price movements
- Implementing the models into trading strategies
- Calculate new trading indicators as features (based on feedback and discussion with CEO)
- Making changes to the existing prototype of the bot

Das bieten wir

Existing project with a lot of infrastructure (databases, data, models, trading bot) in place.

Flexible co founding model, as I am fine to give a signficant amount of shares to the new CTO.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Establishing a profitable quantative trading robot for the crypto market.

Hello there!
Since 1 year I am working on a quantative trading project - a trading robot focusing on crypto currencies.

Why crypto currencies? Two reasons.

First, the market is very volatile and that is what lays the foundation for profits in trading.

Second, its a novel market, so banks and big financial institutions arent trading many crypto currencies yet. So competition is not that fierce yet.

You will be joining an established project, which has an opening, since our lead AI developer finished his PHD and moved to London to work for a hedge fund.

What is in place?
The overall pipeline/architecture of the bot is in good shape. We have 3 years+ historic price action of 6 major coins in SQL databases. We fetch the data over phyton calls and put them into a jupiter notebook. The jupiter notebooks contains the linear model that is our base to establish more and better predictions.
The first model (prototype) is running in python as well, fetching real time data from a market place called bybit. It compares the latest price action with the models and trades automatically over a HTTPs call to bybit.

Training, Validation and Test Data showed very positive results for the features (different trading indicators) that we are using. However, market conditions changed in January when the Bitcoin Spot ETF was approved, so the models need to be reworked.
This is what the focus will be set on in the upcoming month.
Looking forward to connect and discuss the project!


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