Das bringst du mit

y name is Laurenz, I’m 24 years old and from Innsbruck. I recently finished my bachelor’s in mechatronics, I’m currently doing an extension degree program in Entrepreneurship at the University of Innsbruck, which I’m going to complete soon.

I am pursuing a project for an AI-powered industrial machine that increases the efficiency of a specific branch of e-waste recycling by almost 80%. Whilst the upfront and operating costs of the machine are relatively low, recycling plants benefit from the 80% increase in yield through its use, creating a very clear value proposition of the product.

In addition to the business opportunity, a positive ecological impact is achieved in two respects: Firstly, by increasing the yield, economic incentives are created to intensify recycling efforts, which is urgently needed in view of the low recycling rate of e-waste of just 17%. Secondly, by improving the efficiency of the highly polluting recycling processes, their ecological impact is reduced.

I have built a fully functional proof of concept and did a comprehensive market analysis. I know who the customers are and how they can benefit from using the machine. In addition to that I have started the patenting process and had the opportunity to have a professional patent search carried out.

The machine is completely new, there is no comparable system on the market or in the literature. The patent search carried out confirms the novelty of the machine.

The positive results I was able to achieve with the proof of concept have motivated me to work even more intensively on the project. Now that the technical feasibility has been validated, I want to push the project further in the direction of founding a successful company. For that, I am looking for a matching co-founder.

A few words about myself: I like to spend my free time outdoors in the mountains (hiking, camping, skiing etc.) and love to travel. I have worked as an english teacher in Guatemala, presented my own new product idea to the company's internal review panel during an internship with a major medical engineering company and have work experience from various R&D departments. I love to build and I’m having a lot of fun working on the project. I am looking for a co-founder who feels the same way and is dedicated to build a successful deep tech start up with an ecological impact.

If you are interested I would be very happy to talk about everything in more detail.

Das erwartet Dich

building a company with a meaningful impact


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