Das bringst du mit

You love seeing kids happy and playing your games,
You're good at communicating, selling products and winning people over.
You know how to talk with people in manufacturing, people working in retail stores.
You're passionate about improving the digital wellbeing of the next generation.
You have lots of ideas and are willing to go through with them.
You know how to find investors, get them onboard and manage relationships.

If you feel like you don't have the experience outlined here, feel free to get in touch anyway, I'm trying to build a team here!
Du bist gut mit...
  • Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
  • Wörtern und Kommunikation
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
  • ein Unternehmen gegründet
  • eine Investitionsrunde durchgeführt
  • Vollzeitbeschäftigte geführt

Das erwartet Dich

Tiny Tutors isn't just an educational app: A transformative adventure for children aged 3-8. Our games, built on didactic standards, teach while keeping kids engaged. We prioritize digital awareness and positive emotional health. The game-changer? Our line of real toys that unlock exclusive content. This way we can hook into the massive success of toys like Toniebox, TipToi, and Toys-to-Life games, while also bypassing app store fees. We want to have an ad-free business model and want to regularly encourage kids to play in the real world and include their plush into the gameplay.

But here's where we truly stand out: From day one, we want to focus on translation and localization. While big apps have already saturated the major markets with high quality English, Chinese and Russian games, we will be penetrating smaller, emerging markets where parents have longed for educational content in their native languages, be it French, Polish, Italian, Spanish, or others.

Here's the spectrum of tasks we haven't covered yet and would need help with:
Manufacturing and Supply Chain:
Establish relationships with toy manufacturers.
Oversee production processes and quality control.
Manage inventory and supply chain logistics.

Sales and Marketing:
Develop and execute a sales and marketing strategy.
Establish partnerships with retail stores and distributors.
Create promotional campaigns to drive product awareness.

Investor Relations:
Identify potential investors and pitch the business.
Develop and maintain relationships with investors.
Secure funding and manage financial aspects of the business.

Communication and Networking:
Communicate effectively with stakeholders, including manufacturers and retailers.
Network within the industry to build valuable connections.
Represent the company in events and conferences.

Das bieten wir

I will take care of the entire Technical side of things, creating the app and most of the content, creating 3d models, animations, game modes, story, talking with didactic professionals, shading, sound, server stuff, localization system. I just need someone who is equally as passionate about this project as me, so I can focus 100% on the development and product side of things, while you take care of initial funding, getting the app in front of people's eyes, and especially great if you have experience with working with retail stores and manufacturing physical toys, talking with factories, etc.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

We build Ed-Tech games & focus on localized content to reach small markets. Join us in making learning games accessible & kids responsible with digital media!

Tiny Tutors isn't just an educational app: A transformative adventure for children aged 3-8. Our games, built on didactic standards, teach while keeping kids engaged. We prioritize digital awareness and positive emotional health. The game-changer? Our line of real toys that unlock exclusive content. This way we can hook into the massive success of toys like Toniebox, TipToi, and Toys-to-Life games, while also bypassing app store fees. We want to have an ad-free business model and want to regularly encourage kids to play in the real world and include their plush into the gameplay.

But here's where we truly stand out: From day one, we want to focus on translation and localization. While big apps have already saturated the major markets with high quality English, Chinese and Russian games, we will be penetrating smaller, emerging markets where parents have longed for educational content in their native languages. Parents everywhere are eager for their kids to high quality content in a language they understand and connect with culturally. This strategic move not only fills a crucial gap but positions us as pioneers in markets previously dominated by English-centric apps.

Join us in making revolutionary learning games truly accessible and engaging for children around the world and help us with making the next generation be more responsible with digital media!

Current Challenges are:
- Finding Investors (!)
- Finding manufacturers for physical plush toys
- Adding more App Content
- Developing relationships with stores
- Localizing content
- Creating awareness about benefits of digital wellbeing conscious apps.

The target group are digital wellbeing conscious Parents & Guardians interested in offering their kids rich and high quality edutainment. Kids aged 3-8, both boys and girls. Possibly kindergartners and primary school teachers as well.


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