Das bringst du mit

The research phase for the startup has already been completed and in order to co-build the prototype based on user research, the following skills would help:

- Develop prototype / MVP for product market fit
- User Research
- UX/UI Design
- Product Management / Development

Tech is not needed at this stage. The digital product can potentially even long-term remain widely low-code with some development effort around it in parallel.
Du bist gut mit...
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Design und visueller Gestaltung
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
  • als Vollzeitbeschäftigter gearbeitet

Das erwartet Dich

- Develop the prototype in low-code, for which a first mockup is already available
- Conduct user research during the prototype phase
- Iterate the prototype based on user insights
- Consider SEO and other lean gen features on website
- Develop and launch MVP
- If possible: Continually improve design

Das bieten wir

Co-Founding a company and all the experience it brings.

Happy to provide a lot more detail in person.


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