Das bringst du mit

Technical Expertise: The ideal candidate should have a background in computer science or a similar field, with extensive experience in software development and architecture, particularly in building scalable platforms and applications.

AI Experience: As AI is a key component of Schoolioo, the candidate must have in-depth knowledge of AI and machine learning. They should be capable of developing and implementing AI models.

Leadership Skills: As the CTO, being a core part of the leadership team, the candidate should have experience in leading technical teams and managing projects. They should be able to set a vision, inspire teams, and manage projects efficiently.

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Curiosity: The ideal candidate should have a passion for innovation and be constantly looking for new technologies and approaches to improve the platform. They should be willing to take risks and aim to push the boundaries of what is technologically possible.

Commitment to Education: Finally, the candidate should have a genuine interest in improving education. They should believe in Schoolioo's vision and mission, and be ready to work hard to realize them.
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Erstkontakt und persönlicher Ansprache
  • Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
  • Wörtern und Kommunikation
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Design und visueller Gestaltung
Du hast bereits...
  • ein Unternehmen gegründet
  • eine Investitionsrunde durchgeführt
  • einen Startup-Exit abgeschlossen
  • als Vollzeitbeschäftigter gearbeitet

Das erwartet Dich

Developing and Implementing Technical Strategy: The CTO will be responsible for establishing the company's technical vision and leading all aspects of the company's technology development.

Product Development: The CTO will oversee all product development, from inception to deployment, ensuring the platform meets the needs of its users.

Team Leadership: They will be responsible for recruiting, leading, and mentoring the technical team. This will involve setting objectives, reviewing performance, and facilitating professional growth.

AI and ML Integration: The CTO will lead the incorporation of AI and machine learning into our platform, ensuring its successful implementation and continuous improvement.

Stakeholder Communication: They will communicate the company's technology strategy to partners, management, investors, and staff.

Technical Analysis: Regularly re-evaluating existing technology, identifying areas of improvement, and integrating solutions.

Risk Management: Identifying and managing technology-related risks, ensuring data security and compliance with relevant regulations.

Continuous Learning: Staying updated with the latest technology trends and advancements, particularly in AI and machine learning, and incorporating this knowledge into the platform's development.

Das bieten wir

Ownership of an impactful startup

Über unser Startup/Projekt

SCHOOLIOO: Eine Welt, in der Technologie Lehrer entlastet und individuelles Lernen für jeden Schüler ermöglicht.

SCHOOLIOO liefert Lehrern eine umfangreiche Anzahl nützlicher Funktionen, die das Gestalten und Organisieren Deines Unterrichts zum Kinderspiel machen.

Wir setzen modernste Technologie, einschließlich Künstlicher Intelligenz, ein, um Lehrern bei der Erstellung von Inhalten und Deinen Lehrplänen zu unterstützen.

Und das alles auf eine intuitive und unkomplizierte Weise.

Die erste Pre-Seed Investoren zu finden, um aus dem BETA MVP einen richtigen MVP zu bauen.

Lehrkräfte weltweit


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