Das bringst du mit

Our Founder Oscar (Product) is looking for a Co-Founder for his AI SAAS Company based in Berlin. The optimal candidate has a Seller Background and a good network/experience in marketplaces and e-commerce. We would love to have a female founder on board to increase our diversity and have different point of views on products, markets, clients, etc. ;) For more information, please contact us directly.
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Erstkontakt und persönlicher Ansprache
  • Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken

Das erwartet Dich

Depends on which background you have, you would take over the CEO role.

Das bieten wir

We are a pre-seed AI company based in Berlin. Very small team, but very experiences. So much space for building, forming and steering our little company. We are shaping the future of AI and so would you.


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