Das bringst du mit

- Experience founding a company
- Experience applying for funding/ Scholarship
- Motivated to bring our company to the next level
- Experience with KPIs and metrics
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Netzwerken und Geschäftsbeziehungen
  • Organisieren und Ordnung halten
  • Strukturen und strategischem Denken
Du hast bereits...
  • ein Unternehmen gegründet

Das erwartet Dich

We have potential customers, we have new exciting designs, we just lack the organization.
We're looking for someone who ideally already founded, has the willingness to co-found with us and ideally has a clear idea of how to take fibamu to the next level.
Task would vary from organizational management to overseeing business initiatives and keeping a good record on KPIs and finance.

Das bieten wir


Über unser Startup/Projekt

Headaches, neck pain, lower back aches. I guess that you have experienced some of it. Let us take care of your physical well-being!

Shares and a vision!


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ab sofort Startdatum
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With yucca our goal is to provide employees the best possible onboarding experience, based on A.I. and best practices.

Unsere Idee macht die Hausklingel in Mietwohnungen App-Fähig. Mieter können die Wechselsprechanlage unterwegs nutzen und Haustür öffnen.