Das bringst du mit

The right partner would need to be able to build an MVP and would further identify with the following:
- is solution oriented,
- has the right mindset and high level of energy,
- is an outstanding coder (with most common languages),
- has a good sense of humor
- has experience with developing SaaS solutions (best case)
- has experience with product integrations / APIs (best case)
- is based in Germany (best case)
Deine Fähigkeiten
Du bist gut mit...
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Design und visueller Gestaltung
  • Dinge vorantreiben und erledigen

Das erwartet Dich

Together, we continue to develop the existing solution. As a development expert, you are then responsible for implementing the solution. Of course, we also welcome you to participate in the operational business. But the main focus is on the development.

Das bieten wir

Equal share in the company. Fun and pleasure in working together.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Our vision is to find a holistic solution for all planning activities involving groups of two or more people. In the first step we focus on travel planing.

We are offering equal shares if we have a great fit! I am serious about getting to know you as a person / cofounder to make sure we are both sharing the same vision, goal and mindset.

building an MVP, building the founding team, onboarding of first paying customers, raising capital

digital affine people who want to plan activities for groups with little effort.


KA Gehalt
33% Anteile
01 / 2023 Startdatum
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