Das bringst du mit

- You have experience working with mobile Apps (flutter)
- Coded in flutter, Javascript with a fireCMS
- You like to build thing quickly rather than perfectly
- You are not just focused on coding, but super curious in the overall product vision

Timeframe & Location
- You are available soon/ asap
- We are all in Berlin but work remotely most of the time – you can be anywhere

Das erwartet Dich

- If it's your first ride: earn how a start-up works and gain first hands experience
- You receive a lot of flexibility and responsibility to develop the product
- Company shares

Das bieten wir

- Be our lead developer and develop the product, together with our CPO

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Creating the first relationship app that couples love to use - a playful way to improve your relationship

Well-being game for Couples


Berlin Region
KA Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum

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