Das bringst du mit

First you would apply with Jakob in September/October to the EXIST.Gründerstipendium. If approved, you would work closely with Jakob to introduce 21st Century Skills Tests and Trainings to C-level executives of top-tier organizations. While more than 100 tests and training modules already exist, they still need sharpening and tailoring in order to hit the tone of executives in different markets and industries. To this end, the job requires not only sales and marketing skills and experience, but also strong German and English literacy and creativity. An interest in the topics of NEW WORK and 21st Century Skills are strong assets.

Das erwartet Dich

21st Century Skills are crucial for a changing world of work. See me on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsTRdf0th6g and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h_q3rKSbUY

Das bieten wir

• 1-year-contract (35 h/week)
• Monthly € 1,000 gross for students
• Technical employee 2,000 euros / month
• Monthly € 2,500 gross if you have completed your Masters studies
• Monthly € 3,000 gross if you have completed your doctorate


Deutschland Region
• Monthly € 2,500 gross if you have completed your Masters studies Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum
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