Das bringst du mit

Developing the MVP to get customer traction. The prototype is already in the making. Now we are looking for a developer who is ready to change the lives.

Das erwartet Dich

We want to bring a change into the employee-employer relationship. Employees deserve more than a salary and companies spent too much money into nonsense which won't help for retention and fluctuation

Das bieten wir

You will get equity from day 1 and salary after seed funding. My unconventional approach of leadership will hopefully give you the best work experience and besides your talent, I mostly appreciate the life-time, which you invest in.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Empowering the right direction of work.

Ein Tool, dass Prozesse aus dem Bereich Unternehmens-Kultur und Work Life Balance vereinfacht.

SMEs ab 100 Mitarbeitende


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