Das bringst du mit

To create a sophisticated software architecture for a scalable solution, we are now looking for a software developer as co-founder and CTO of Mitakus!
• Experience in development of scalable SaaS
• Strong familiarity back-end development and modern technologies
• Reliability, proactive work and personal commitment
• Part-time engagement, later full-time. Both possible
• UI/UX design expertise helpful, but not required
Deine Fähigkeiten

Das erwartet Dich

We are passionate not only about deep tech solutions, but also about giving back in the form of economic value and social value. Our goals is to solve a major social problem of our society: Food waste.

Das bieten wir

We developed an AI algorithm in Python, which can predict the number of guests, revenue, and each dish and product individually. Also, we developed a recommendation system to propose alternative menus for gastronomes and maximize their revenue and guest satisfaction. We already have a software prototype, a dashboard to show results and offer a login for the customer.

Currently, we are in an ongoing pilot project with 2 customers and are talking to others to sign them in February 2019 and March 2019 as well.

- First signed pilot customers
- Data, prediction model(s), software prototype ready
- Team of 3 people (Data Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Business Development)
- Be part of B2B startup from the very beginning
- Fair equity participation and co-founder position
- Working space in Munich

Über unser Startup/Projekt

We want to be the No.1 player in predictive analytics and AI in the gastronomy to chefs in this industry eliminate food waste.

Mitakus is developing a software, to help chefs and owners of canteens to reduce food waste and cost resulting from surplus in ordering and production, by providing a demand prediction of guests and daily food servings.

- At the current stage we have developed a software prototype and the models for prediction and recommendation. Now we are building a scalable architecture
- Signed several LOIs with partners in Munich and Nürnberg to run a pilot project until end of April.
- Seed Investment end of summer

Chefs and owners of canteens in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. Also, production and procurement managers in big gastronomy companies, like Sodexo and Compass Group.


München Region
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