Das bringst du mit

- Advancement of the technological vision
- Efficient strategies for managing development projects
- Market expansion, penetration and leadership in the field of
Ambient Assisted Living, Smar t Home & IoT
- Prototypes and series release
- Management, leadership and control of your area of responsibility

Das erwartet Dich

We? That’s Herzheim, located at Techbase in Regensburg. A start-up (in foundation) based on a novel technology for indoor localization and activity detection.in the Smart Home sector.

We ‘re founding this company, because we want to
change something. Our main inspiration is the human being, our incentive are future developments. We see innovation as something developed within teams. We ‘re looking for thinkers and makers. You know best what your strengths are. Flexible working hours and fair remuneration can also help you enjoy the beautiful sites of Regensburg.

Das bieten wir

We are supported by (among others):
. Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy
. wipano funding for innovative patent ideas
. start?Zuschuss! technology promotion
. founders‘ stipend EXIST
. public utility Amberg: First place in the innovation competition
. hospital of the future Erlangen: First place in the innovation competition
. Second place start-up weekend Regensburg

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Unsere größte Inspiration ist der Mensch, unser Antrieb zukünftige Entwicklungen. Innovation sehen wir als etwas, das im Team entsteht.

Innovatives Start-up mit patentierter Technologie sucht CTO!


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