Das bringst du mit

We are looking for all sorts of IT developers including Frontend Developers, Backend Developers, Full-Stack Developers, and Database/Server Administrators. If you are one of these we want to get to know you.

Together with Armin (Server & Backend Guru), Manu (Frontend Geek) and Mariam (React Ninja) you will conquer the wide IT wonderland.

Das erwartet Dich

Our rocket is a Startup in Stuttgart with a team of diverse, agile, and clever fellas. Within the startup you will be part of a crew of especially genius hackers: The IT Dudes.
We will rock the recruiting market with our technology.

Das bieten wir

Whats the catch? Nothing really but there is one thing, though: Since we don’t earn any money (yet) no-one in our team gets a salary. The only thing we can try to persuade you with is the occasional pizza and beer the three founders cover, when we go out or meet.


Stuttgart Region
KA Gehalt
KA Anteile
ab sofort Startdatum
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