Das bringst du mit


Das erwartet Dich

Vertically integrated brands are a sought-after investment opportunity. The wood industry is neither digitized, nor do disruptive business models exist on the market. At the same time it is a HUGE market (total 118 bn €)!

Das bieten wir

We offer a vast network and experience in the timber industry, in addition to MVP and proof of concept.

Über unser Startup/Projekt

holz.lokal is the most hazzle free address when you need a timber product

www.holzlokal.de is a vertically integrated brand for wood products. We are seeking capable co-founders with a trackrecord of successful entrepeneurship, ideally in the areas of online markting, logistics and/or business development.

Setting up a top notch team, securing seed-funding, business development, regional expansion



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