Das bringst du mit

Build a product and team
Hands-on co-founder with solid experience in the digital field.
Strategic development of technical architectures

Das erwartet Dich

Did you ever searched for a Service or a Product and did not know if you result is the best possible? How people / customers search and find such offers today must be revolutionized. We bring more the 30 years of experience and know how in the world of rental cars and the deficits within the business. We believe that we have a concept that will revolutionize the way people books cars today and we are convinced that we will become the next priceline / booking.com. This is an early stage search to co-found a company together as a CTO and significantly shape our company from day one.

Das bieten wir

Co-Founder roll. Gehalt / Options


Berlin Region
50h / Woche Arbeitszeit
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