Das bringst du mit


my name's Steve and I'm Founder & CEO of SkyDesk Systems UG, an IT-Startup that provides mobile solutions and location based services. I studied Electrical Engineering at TU Darmstadt. After working for a year in the Electronics Industry, I quit my job to avoid getting bored to death :). The burning desire to solve an existing problem led me to found my own company and put my skills to use. Being a visionary entrepreneur, I'm working to develop a digital address system that will completely revolutionize the way people do business and interact with their world.

The Problem:
In Sub-Saharan Africa there are no physical addresses. Now, this makes it extremely difficult to conduct e-commerce, locate people in case of an emergency or distribute resources in towns and cities.

The Solution:
Our award winning platform, Uko Wapi?, makes individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa reachable by providing reliable and verifiable digital addresses. For more info, please check out our website:

Here's the deal:
We've just raised € 50,000 in funding. Our main partner is ESA (European Space Agency). We are currently in the development phase and we intend to conduct a market test/proof of concept in Nairobi, Kenya in June 2015.

I want YOU:
I'm looking for super motivated Co-founders (Design Freak & Marketing Guru) who are crazy enough to think they can be part of a team that will change the world! Ideal candidates should be willing to commit 75 - 100 % of their time in exchange for equity in the company.

Interested? Hit me up!



Mitgründer:in im Bereich gesucht als
Darmstadt Region
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